Eldercare Marketing Blog
LGBTQ+ aging and care managers
LGBTQ+ aging and care managers: With Pride Month coming up in June, consider letting your community know the many ways you can help LGBTQ+ elders. From easing the transition into an ALF, to providing staff training for home-care agencies and long-term care facilities, you can make a name for yourself by specializing in the needs of this community.
Business benefits of an enrichment program
If you are looking for a joyful way to augment your practice, consider an enrichment program. It can even out your cash flow, provide networking opportunities with referrers, bring new clients into your practice and give you a stronger bond with existing clients.
Does your website speak to all your audiences?
While your clients may be older adults, the people shopping for your services are often their adult children. Completely different audience with very different needs. But what about your referrers? Does your website address their pain points? And potential employees? Does your website express your company culture in a way that is attractive in a competitive labor market?
What you may not know about content marketing…
With National Family Caregivers Month coming up in November, this is a perfect time to start thinking about a content marketing campaign to draw attention to your business.
Rebranding when you acquire a business
What do you need to think about when you bring two companies together? How do you leverage the best of the acquired company and still maintain your brand and standing with Google?
The upcoming shift to Google Analytics 4
Are you ready for the July 1 shift to Google Analytics 4? Learn what’s different from Universal Analytics and how you can save your historical data.
Granting Access to Your Google Business Profile
In order for us to help you with your Google Business Profile, we’ll need to be granted access to manage it. Here’s how to do that. – – Visit business.google.com Must be logged in as the owner or primary owner account Click on 3 vertical dots on right Select “Business Profile Settings” from pop-up Select…
What is a Google Business Profile?
Not everyone knows that Google gives your business prime real estate on search engine results pages…for free! In this quick video, I’ll explain what a Google Business Profile is and what you need to pay attention to: If you’d like help with your GBP, contact us.
Become THE local expert in solo aging
Twenty-two percent of older adults expect they will need to be their own caregivers. PLUS female solo agers are surprisingly wealthy! Attract these clients by becoming the local expert in solo aging. Partner with attorneys and financial advisors who also strive to reach the solo ager clientele.