Marketing Packages

Become the local expert!

Every business needs its specialty, its niche, its unique contribution.
What’s yours?

With our marketing packages, you receive a PowerPoint presentation, promotional and follow-up materials, and monthly publications to help you stay top of mind.

Choose your audience:

  • Family caregivers are the ones who most often reach out to learn more about your services. Our family caregiver content (available in print, blog, email, and online formats, as well as social media) currently has two niche marketing packages: 10 Warning Signs Your Loved One May Need Help , Family Caregiving 101, and Dealing with Difficult Dementia Behaviors.
  • Proactive planners are older adults with the longest lifetime revenue potential. These currently well boomers may need only periodic consultations now, but connecting with them as the “young old” allows you to cultivate a relationship, help them avoid preventable crises, and present support options they might not have considered, such as an aging in place consultation or planned surgery package for convalescence at home. Our proactive planner content includes a monthly blog format with corresponding branded handouts, monthly emails, and social media posting. It currently has three niche marketing packages: Aging in Place, Solo Aging, and LGBTQ+ aging.
  • Your referrers will give you the greatest return for your marketing efforts. A family may send you a total of three or four clients over the years (mom, dad, and a few friends). But a referrer can send you that many or more each year. Attorneys and wealth managers are looking for clients with the greatest lifetime revenue potential, so positioning yourself as the local expert in proactive planners is wise. This makes the Aging Well Blog a superb networking tool. That said, referrers also come across stressed and burned-out family caregivers and are frequently looking for services to ease that situation and provide optimal care for their clients, the older adult. Becoming the local expert in family caregiving also has networking advantages.
  • All of our materials are evidence based.

You receive an area exclusive!
None of your local competitors can license this content.

Check out these marketing packages:

10 Warning Signs Your Loved One May Need Help

For clients licensing family caregiver content (newsletter or blog).

Become the local expert in family caregiving.

Adult daughters and sons see changes in their parents and don’t know which changes warrant further attention. Help them understand what is serious and what is not. In doing so, you position yourself as the expert that you are, and will be a natural resource when they realize it’s time for an assessment.

Administration on Aging warning signs 
Drawing upon Administration on Aging (AOA) guidelines, this presentation features the 10 warning signs outlined by the AOA, with adaptations from the Alzheimer’s Association and the American Automobile Association. Network with assisted living facilities, senior centers, churches, and other groups to draw in family members and expand your reach.

Topics covered include:

  1. Eating
  2. Cleanliness
  3. Skin health
  4. Mobility
  5. Driving
  6. Money
  7. Mood
  8. Socializing
  9. Forgetfulness
  10. Reasoning

You receive:

  • A PowerPoint with speaker notes, referenced citations, and a branded handout.
  • Promotional materials for the presentation, including text and graphics for a blog, social media updates, and an email message.
  • A monthly family caregiver e-newsletter with hard copy version for consistent follow-up to move people along the customer journey toward a contract. Includes the option to also license the content as a weekly blog on your website or LinkedIn profile, weekly updates on Facebook, and weekly updates on your Google Business Profile.
You receive an area exclusive
None of your local competitors can license our materials.

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Dealing with Difficult Dementia Behaviors

For clients licensing family caregiver content (newsletter or blog).

Become the local expert in dementia care.

Frequently, families pick up the phone and call you because the dementia symptoms have become so trying that they can no longer manage the situation on their own. Provide a presentation about common issues with moderate dementia, and you will attract families who are ripe for needing your services.

Topics covered include:

  • Bathing
  • Dressing
  • Eating
  • Emotional outbursts, highlighting prevention strategies, distraction techniques, and a discussion about therapeutic fibbing.

You receive:

  • A PowerPoint with speaker notes, referenced citations, and a branded handout.
  • Promotional materials for the presentation, including text and graphics for a blog, social media updates, and an email message.
  • A monthly family caregiver e-newsletter with hard copy version for consistent follow-up to move people along the customer journey toward a contract. Includes the option to also license the content as a weekly blog on your website or LinkedIn profile, weekly updates on Facebook, and weekly updates on your Google Business Profile.
You receive an area exclusive
None of your local competitors can license our materials.

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Family Caregiving 101

For clients licensing the Family Caregiver Newsletter

Become the local expert in family caregiving
With this marketing package, you can easily show the community that you deeply understand the issues of family caregivers and are the go-to professional for eldercare guidance and support.

The presentation covers six topics former family caregivers recommend:

  • Seek information, training, and support. Medical information and skills, guidance from a professional in the field of aging, practical tips and support from other family caregivers
  • Find help for physical tasks. From family and friends, community programs, hired care
  • Look for financial support., local programs, tax deductions for families, Family and Medical Leave Act
  • Get paperwork in order. Medical records, financial overview, powers of attorney, will or trust
  • Take breaks. Family taking turns, adult day centers, respite programs, maintain a hobby, ten minutes a day doing something that is not caregiving
  • Take care of yourself. Keep up with doctor appointments and treatments, cultivate healthy habits, be alert for signs of depression, nurture your other relationships, stay connected with at least one friend

Emphasize your biopsychosocial approach and your caregiver coaching services.

This marketing package gives you everything you need for a presentation and ongoing connection with the leads you cultivate.

  • Family Caregiving 101 PowerPoint presentation
  • Branded handouts
  • Facebook promotional updates
  • Text and graphic for promotional blog or email
  • Monthly e-newsletter for family caregivers
  • Branded printready .pdf of each issue for distributing to new and existing clients
You receive an area exclusive
None of your local competitors can license our materials.

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How to "Age in Place"

For clients licensing proactive planner content (Aging Well Blog).

Become the local expert in aging in place.

More than three-quarters of older adults wish to stay at home as they age. You are uniquely qualified to help them strategize to do this! Your insights provide the real-world, boots-on-the-ground recommendations that flesh out your referrers’ ability to create the financial resources and legal infrastructure needed.

Use this presentation to network with wealth managers and attorneys. Also with the boomers who need your consultation services to proactively plan for their elderhood.

Topics covered include:

  • Remodeling your home
  • Arranging for transportation
  • Budgeting for assistance
  • Addressing isolation

You receive:

  • A PowerPoint with speaker notes, referenced citations, and a branded handout.
  • Promotional materials for the presentation, including text and graphics for a blog, social media updates, and an email message.
  • The monthly Aging Well Blog for proactive planners, with corresponding branded handout. The first year you also receive a starter set of nine extra blogs and handouts about services at home, long-term care options, and building a support network of professionals. Add email marketing for consistent follow-up to remain top of mind. Includes the option to also license the content as a monthly blog on your LinkedIn profile, monthly updates on Facebook, and monthly updates on your Google Business Profile.
You receive an area exclusive
None of your local competitors can license our materials.

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Solo Aging

For clients licensing proactive planner content (Aging Well Blog).

Become the local expert in solo aging.

Did you know?

  • 22 percent of older adults expect they will need to be their own caregivers.
  • 15.2 million older adults (and growing) have no children.
  • 40 percent of child-free older adults have no spouse.

Proactive planners with extra incentive
Solo agers have the same needs as their peers for proactive planning, but the consequences are higher if they don’t. They have challenges unique to their child-free status, AND they are aware earlier that they need to make provisions for themselves.

Solo agers can afford you!
For instance, child-free older women have a net worth 28% higher than that of the average older adult. Twice as many earned graduate and medical degrees by midlife, and they haven’t had the expenses or impediments that their parenting peers experienced.

Topics covered include:

  • The need to be proactive and plan ahead
  • Focus on prevention
  • Home safety
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Care planning
  • Financial resources
  • Legal documents

You receive:

  • A PowerPoint with speaker notes, referenced citations, and a branded handout.
  • Promotional materials for the presentation, including text and graphics for a blog, social media updates, an email message, and a networking letter to referrers.
  • The monthly Aging Well Blog for proactive planners with corresponding branded handout. The first year you also receive a starter set of nine extra blogs and handouts about services at home, long-term care options, and building a support network of professionals. Add email marketing for consistent follow-up to remain top of mind. Includes the option to also license the content as a monthly blog on your LinkedIn profile, monthly updates on Facebook, and monthly updates on your Google Business Profile.
You receive an area exclusive
None of your local competitors can license our materials.

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LGBTQ+ aging: What you need to know

For clients licensing proactive planner content (Aging Well Blog).

The LGBTQ+ community is much like the solo ager subpopulation. LGBTQ+ people are:

  • Four times more likely to be without children
  • Twice as likely to be single
  • More educated than their non-LGBTQ+ peers (67% graduated college vs. 59% among those ages 50­–64; 71% vs. 57% among those ages 65 and older.)
  • Relatively secure financially (nearly one third—31%—reported annual incomes of $100,000 or more during their working years).

Become the local expert in LGBTQ+ aging

LGBTQ+ individuals are often part of a tight-knit but underserved community that is eager for affirming providers. It’s a niche where you can make your mark as a respectful, local expert while building a strong referral network with other affirming professionals.

Topics in the presentation include:

  • Demographic overview
    • Many feel pressure to go back in the closet.
  • New support needs for aging in the LGBTQ+ community
    • Social
    • Legal
    • Financial
    • Medical
  • Protecting your same-sex partnership
    • Legally
    • Financially
    • Socially
  • Unique needs of trans individuals
    • Financial
    • Psychological
    • Medical

Ideal for delivering in multiple audiences in your service area.

Excellent resource for building a network of affirming professionals.

You receive:

  • A PowerPoint with speaker notes,referenced citations, and a branded handout.
  • Promotional materials for the presentation,including text and graphics for a blog, social media updates, an email message, and a networking letter to referrers.
  • The monthly Aging Well Blog for proactive planners, with corresponding branded handout. The LGBTQ+ community is a subset of a larger population of proactive planners (currently well boomers who don’t yet need your intensive services, but who need periodic consultations and will grow into becoming a more regular client as they age). Proactive planners are a population your referrers are also courting. The Aging Well Blog consists of monthly articles for proactive planners, with a corresponding, branded handout pdf. The first year you also receive a starter set of nine extra blogs and handouts about services at home, long-term care options, and building a support network of professionals. Add email marketing for consistent follow-up to remain top of mind. Includes the option to also license the content as a monthly blog on your LinkedIn profile, monthly updates on Facebook, and monthly updates on your Google Business Profile.
  • Special LGBTQ+ aging page for your website. For clients who already license the exclusive “Our Services” module from Elder Pages Online, we include a free, editable page about LGBTQ+ affirming services for care managers and home care.
You receive an area exclusive
None of your local competitors can license our materials.

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