Branded with your name, logo and colors The monthly newsletter (demo) is an online page branded with your name, logo and colors.
3 fresh articles a month Speak to the issues that worry family caregivers.
12-year archive of past issues Over 400 articles give you a deep resource for networking with referrers.
Edit in the cloud Add your own content if and when you have time to write about local events, a special employee, or a public presentation you are giving.
Printready PDF for a paper version Each month we send you a PDF of the current issue, branded with your name, logo, and colors. You print up what you need. Ideal for situations where a hard-copy version of the newsletter is more convenient than the Web.
Add email You build your subscriber list. We send out a monthly announcement through Constant Contact. Or you can do it yourself through Mail Chimp or other providers.
Add social media support You receive weekly updates posted on your Facebook page. Or we publish weekly posts to your LinkedIn Profile. Professional graphics and informative articles build credibility. Plus weekly blogposts boost your search engine optimization.
Add branded single-topic handouts
You receive over fifty branded PDF handouts on topics ranging from dementia to fall prevention, hospitalizations to caregiver stress and burnout. Strategic uses include: presentation handouts, send with invoices to clients, send to referrers for health observance dates to remind them of your services.
You receive an area exclusive
None of your local competitors can license our materials.
Extend the reach of your marketing No matter how brief the contact (a short phone call, a community presentation, a quick chat at a health fair), offer to send the prospective client your newsletter. With email marketing support, your brand continues to arrive in their inbox once a month.
Send with invoices to boost customer retention It’s easier to keep an existing customer than it is to find a new one. Demonstrate your added value by sending this educational “spoonful of sugar” with your monthly invoices.
Promote word-of-mouth referrals Give your clients and referrers educational print materials they can pass along to friends and colleagues.
Add to your LinkedIn presence With social media support, we publish a weekly post to your LinkedIn profile. Build your online resume and credibility with eye-catching graphics and deep content. Weekly blogging keeps your account active and develops a strong searchable inventory. Plus every post links back to your company website, helping you rise in Google search results.
Leave copies in referral offices Distributing literature through a referrer’s literature rack is one of the top three networking strategies identified in the 2014 Care Manager Benchmarking Study.
Get the Pro Package Our most popular combination gives you reference resources in the E-libraryand fresh content each month with the Newsletter.
You receive an area exclusive
None of your local competitors can license our materials.
Engage with family caregivers You can certainly use the newsletter for engaging more regularly with family decision makers: the adult daughters and sons of your clients. No matter how brief the contact (a short phone call, a presentation, a quick chat at a health fair), offer to send the prospect your newsletter. With an email component, your brand then arrives in their inbox once a month. For more ideas, see the tips above for marketing care management.
Attract and retain employees Use the newsletter to create what Leading Home Care expert, Stephen Tweed, calls a “Culture of Attraction.” We provide you with tools to engage state-of-the-art employee recruitment and retention strategies.
“Caregiver of the Month” Reward dedicated employees and gain their loyalty as you publicly show your respect for their superior caring and professionalism. Friends of staff and prospective employees quickly realize that you value and acknowledge people who apply themselves to their job.
Use for training Your staff is on the front line with family caregivers. They witness the problems discussed in the newsletter on a daily basis. Give your caregivers copies of the newsletter each month, and host discussions. Show your commitment to their ongoing professional development.
Stand out on Social Media Your staff is the Internet generation. Go where they are going! By posting excerpts of the newsletter on your Facebook page—or better yet your LinkedIn page—you can project your Culture of Attraction to high quality caregivers and encourage them to come work for you. We can do this for you with our social media supportprogram.
Get the Pro Package Our most popular combination gives you reference resources in the E-libraryand fresh content each month with the Newsletter.
You receive an area exclusive
None of your local competitors can license our materials.
Reach family caregivers earlier Adult daughters and sons spend an average of 3.7 years caring for an aging loved one. Let them bond with you before they need you.
Become the expert in family caregiving With the newsletter, you reframe yourselves from being the expert in death and dying to the expert in family caregiving.
Encourage family self-referrals Family self-referrals hold the greatest growth potential for hospice. Although the national average is for 5% to 10% of referrals to come directly from families, hospices have been able to increase that to 20% to 30% of referrals. Plus family self-referrals result in longer lengths of stay (on average 7-10 days longer!). Build brand loyalty before they need you so you are a known and trusted entity when it’s time for hospice.
Promote fund-raising events
Add articles about your Light Up a Life Campaign, your Memorial Event, or a golf tournament or other fundraiser.
Attract high quality employees
With the nursing shortage, competition is fierce. You need to create a Culture of Attraction to recruit the very best. Add an “Employee of the Month” article to your newsletter and demonstrate your superior support and acknowledgement of your staff.
Train, recruit, and support volunteers
The newsletter speaks directly to frontline issues families face at home. Use it to train volunteers. Teach them to search the archives when questions come up. You can even feature a “Volunteer of the Month” as part of your volunteer retention program.
Get the Pro Package Our most popular combination gives you reference resources in the E-libraryand fresh content each month with the Newsletter.
You receive an area exclusive
None of your local competitors can license our materials.